As the only fine arts museum in the borough, The Bronx Museum of the Arts ↗ presents ongoing special solo and group exhibitions of twentieth-century and contemporary art. It also features exhibitions of contemporary and historical relevance to the Bronx and its residents, exhibitions based on its Permanent Collection as well as group and solo exhibitions of emerging, mid-career, and established artists. The Museum's Permanent Collection highlights the work of artists not typically represented within more traditional or mainstream museums, namely artists of African, Asian, and Latin American ancestry.

The Bronx Museum of Arts' Education Programs provides the public and its Members with opportunities to explore the ideas and issues behind contemporary cultural production. Through its exhibitions and Permanent Collection, some of today's most innovative programs and events in arts education are offered.

The Witness Perspectives on Police Violence is supported at the Bronx Museum through the Collaborative Art Projects (CAP). CAP – art beyond the Museum's walls – extends public access to contemporary art through collaborative-based projects and public art interventions with emerging and established artists. The Project's goals are to strengthen the role of art in everyday life, to deepen the understanding of contemporary cultural production, and to foster meaningful participation in the Museum's programming.

In addition to talks, lectures, readings, student programs and performances, our educational program includes the Artist in the Marketplace (AIM) -­ a professional development and career management program for emerging artists features 12-week seminars with artists and arts professionals culminating in an annual group exhibition. Thirty-six emerging artists are selected each year for enrollment in the fall or spring semesters of this innovative program.