Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine New York, New York

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The image of each witness, looming on the granite walls in a 25-foot high video projection slowed to the point of near immobility, confronted the viewers. Subtle juxtapositions of images and text dominated many aspects of the cathedral installation. The various elements of Witness created a synergy when viewed together, enabling viewers to consider issues of police violence, brutality, and misconduct in experiential rather than didactic terms.

Many different elements were used in the installation, including Media Role, a 47­foot collage of news articles reporting on ten years of police brutality and misconduct cases and the Call Boxes which toured the public streets of New York during the fall of 2000. Also exhibited were illuminated photographs of locations where police violence took place, such as the exterior of a police car and, the sidewalk where Gerald Papa, who was brutally beaten in a case of mistaken identity.